Subject: VTSDEMO: v1.0 Vote Tally System Author: MicroNiche, Inc. Uploaded By: MicroNiche Date: 1/11/1998 File: VTSDEMO.EXE (1347405 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 6 minutes Download Count: 61 Needs: Windows 3.1 or higher Keywords: MicroNiche, Votes, School, Elections, Student Government, Education, Mock Election, Win31 Type: Demo This a demo version of Vote Tally Election Software. The software can be used for Student Government Elections, Homecoming Elections and/or mock National, State and Local Elections. The software was primarly designed for High Schools and Colleges but could be for elections for almost any organization. The software will run standalone or on a network. It consists of two modules: administrator and voting booth. The administrator module is used to setup the races, candidates and voting booths and to view, print and graph the election results. The voting booth module turns a computer workstation into a voting booth. The Voter can view candidate pictures and various other candidate information during the voting process. NOTE: This is a SLIDESHOW demonstration of the software package. It is NOT a working demo. For help and technical assistance, contact member: MICRONICHE To install, run VTSDEMO.EXE To run the demo, double click on SCPLAYER.EXE Documentation: self documenting